Social Overview
We have a full social programme consisting of guest speakers, films, quiz night, games evenings, suppers, Sunday lunches, BBQ's etc. Keep up to date with what is going on by looking at the Calendar on the club website
The bar, run by members, is open for social events. It is also open from 6.00 - 9.00 p.m. on Friday evenings. Visiting yachtsmen are very welcome.
To give us an idea for catering numbers, we ask members to sign up for social events by replying to the email that is sent out to all members before the event.
There is a growing list of Family Related events;
Family Fun Fridays - get out on the water for sailing or just jump in off the slipway, (a favourite with the children). Bar is open and usually a BBQ as well.
Swallows & Amazons - sail to Newtown, camp overnight and sail back. BBQ, games, activities & make some great friends over the weekend.
Halloween Evening - children & parents fancy dress competition, pumpkin carving, treasure hunt, turn a mum into a mummy, (using loo rolls). Bar open.
Christmas Party with DJ - take to the dance floor for some Christmas tunes. Usually food and of course the bar would be open.
Several members' special interest groups meet at the club:
Art Group our keen artists meet on Tuesday afternoons in the winter months. For more information contact Mary Lord (01983 760706).
Book Club its members normally meet on the last Thursday of every month throughout the year, at 12.00noon - 2.00pm, over lunch when there are hot drinks available and the bar is open. Members bring food and discuss their Book of the Month. New members are welcomed. For more information contact Shirley Peters (01983 755392).
Crafternoon if you have a craft type hobby come along and meet up with likeminded people. Could be sewing, carving etc. Tea and cake always involved.
Slipshod Singers our renowned male voice choir meets for rehearsals every Tuesday evening from September to May. Find out more from their website
Need a venue for a celebration? Birthdays, anniversaries, wakes, etc. Just contact a Committee member for a chat.
Last updated 09:37 on 28 August 2024